About REEF Healthy Crackers Bread
Best healthy Snacks ever. Simple natural ingredients, a blender, and a baking sheet are all you need for this delicious, crispy, and savory homemade cracker.
No Added Sugar, Preservatives free, Cholesterol free, Free of artificial flavor and colors, Free of trans fat, Contains gluten, Dairy products free, Nuts free, Egg-free, Low Calories.
Wheat flour, wheat bran, natural yeast, a little of sea salt
Nutrition Facts |
Serving size 100 g | ||
Amount per 100 g | ||
Total Calories | Kcal 224 | السعرات الحرارية |
Total Fat | g 0 | إجمالي الدهون |
Saturated Fat | g 0.07 | الدهون المشبعة |
Trans Fat | g 0.00 | الدهون المتحولة |
Total Carbohydrate | g 58.8 | الكربوهيدرات |
Cholesterol | mg 0 | كوليسترول |
Sodium | mg 495 | صوديوم |
Iron | mg 7.5 | الحديد |
Dietary Fiber | g 9 | الألياف الغذائية |
Sugar | g 0 | سكر |
Added Sugar | g 0 | سكر المضاف |
Protein | g 11.1 | بروتين |
Potassium | Mg 285 | بوتاسيوم |
Calcium | Mg 52.3 | كالسيوم |
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